Clarus Energy Services Company - Energy Interventions
Energy Interventions

Minimize your energy expenses

The minimization of the expenses can be achieved by a combination of savings and the creation of new revenue that originate from:

  • installation of photovoltaics
  • reduction of thermal losses
  • technological upgrade of heating systems

Clarus helps you take advantage of this opportunity

Clarus Energy Service Company, a business with country wide reach, is on the vanguard of the effort towards the energy upgrade of buildings in Greece, with a unique package of technical and financial solutions.

  • Clarus advises owners on the best way to minimize energy spending.
  • It handles all the necessary energy efficiency interventions.
  • It supports the customer through the financing process.
  • And most importantly: It guarantees through performance contracts that the savings will actually materialize.

Energy interventions that our company can undertake include:

.... and possibly other interventions that you could point out.

For more information, please contact us

Clarus ESCo invests in the future of electricity
The way electricity is generated, distributed and consumed will change dramatically in the foreseeable future. The convergence of electricity and telecommunications networks, the "Smart Grid", will revolutionize the structure of ... Read more
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