By “Green roof”, we mean the gardens created on the roofs of buildings (flats or houses) or verandas. The strength of the building to withstand additional loads of soil and plants and ensure waterproofing and drainage of water (irrigation and rain), is an important condition for creating a green roof on an existing building. Read more.
- Aesthetic improvement of the buildings and generally of the urban environment,
- Saving energy up to 30% on the upper floors of the building means:
reduced cost for energy during the winter and the summer,
- Decrease in surface temperature under the roof from 6 to 8 degrees in the summer,
- Improving air quality: the shrubs and the plants retain dust and release oxygen into the atmosphere,
- Creating of an umbrella of protection for the materials of the building. Especially the roof, which is exposed to extreme weather conditions, from summer to winter, is significantly protected by the roof gardens.
- Energy upgrading of buildings under the new energy law for buildings (KENAK).
The cost of creating a green roof ranges from 40-60 € / m2 depending on the size, the existence of inclination, the volume of the soil that will be required, how easy is to transport the soil, etc. The investment is paid back in about 5-8 years.
Our company undertakes the construction of green roofs from A to Z. In every study of green roof that we deliver, we provide for free an energy certificate for the building.
Call us now at 210-6043237 (Mr Kostas Koltsakis), e-mail: for your implementation study.
The construction of a garden on the roof has the following steps:
- Controlling the strength of the roof depending on the weight of the soil which will be placed,
- Creating inclination by using light weight materials. In any event, the load on the roof should not be significantly increased
- Construction of a waterproof layer by placing a special membrane that is resistant to plant roots. The correct construction of the waterproofing layer is the most important element in a green roof.
- Creating a drainage layer to ensure proper drainage of irrigating water and rain. The drainage layer is made by special geo-synthetic materials (drainage filters, drainage membranes) which are lightweight, and partially retain the water needed by the plants. The selection of the materials is a function of the thickness of the soil, the plants to be planted, the climatic conditions (rainfall rate), etc.